Professional Experience
Education and Qualifications
Please include details of your education, training and qualifications that are relevant to the role.
Key Selection Criteria
Please respond by providing at least one example to each of the following selection criteria to support your application
Further Information
ENB’s Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire
ENB is committed to promoting equality, and we are working to achieve greater diversity across our workforce. By collecting diversity data during the recruitment stage we can gain an accurate picture of the diversity of our talent pool, identify any areas of underrepresentation workforce and this will help us with our diversity initiatives.
You are therefore invited to play your part by completing this diversity monitoring questionnaire which will inform our work on equality, diversity and inclusion at ENB.
Please answer the questions as accurately as you can. Your information will be held securely and processed by the HR Recruitment team in line with the ENB Data Privacy and Data Fair Processing Notice - Applicant Data.
All data will be held separately from your application; all diversity data will be anonymised and used for statistical reporting purposes only.
Thank you – your contribution is greatly valued.
Disability and/or impairment: The Equality Act, 2010 defines disability as follows: a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities. HIV, cancer and MS are included from the point of diagnosis.
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